Shubham ShindeOpenAI CEO Sam Altman said this about Job Market after ChatGPTThe boss of OpenAI, the firm behind the massively popular ChatGPT bot, said on Friday that his firm’s technology would not destroy the job…May 28, 2023May 28, 2023
Shubham ShindeIs GitHub Copilot Worth paying for?GitHub Copilot, the Name explains it a lot, as it says, it is a Copilot and not a alone driver sitting in the Cockpit.May 27, 2023May 27, 2023
Shubham ShindeBest AI Tools to Code BetterArtificial Intelligence is changing the way we code today. Unknowingly, Code Editors use Extensions or Tools which helps in Coding…May 27, 2023May 27, 2023